Spring 1

Week 1 - 12/01/24
This week the children shared what they would like to improve on this year and wrote down their New Years Resolutions. We had a lot that wanted to improve on their golfing ability as well as other sports including ballet, football and basket ball! We also started our unit on instruction writing, learning how to wash a Woolly Mammoth. In Maths the children are now working on numbers up to 20, counting, ordering, building, drawing and some even manipulating them to gain a deep understanding.
In computing this week, the children continues their journey of instruction writing and typed an equipment list for making a rockets. They logged on, opened word, typed their lists out and saved them on the laptops. In DT we investigated the best way to join fabric felt together in preparation of making their own hand puppets in the coming weeks. We got messy with PVA glue and carefully joined the felt using a stapler.