PE & Sports Funding
In KS1The children access high level PE sessions delivered by qualified sports coaches once a week. The teachers follow the Getset4 PE scheme.
In KS1The children access high level PE sessions delivered by qualified sports coaches once a week. The teachers follow the Getset4 PE scheme.
Throughout the year every class has Dance lessons with Lane Academy Dance school once a week for a term. The children in Nursery and the Unit access this throughout the whole year.
On-site training and support is provided for TAs and Midday staff on playground games. Shared good practice and gave examples of how to encourage/ initiate games, physical activity during play/lunchtimes. The impact of this is that more lunchtime staff are able to provide games play understanding what each child is learning. The children are also now much more active and willing to play team games and join in with their friends. We also have trained sports coaches at lunchtimes everyday.
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PE Lessons:
P.E lessons will be outside for most of the Autumn and Summer terms. The children will therefore need to have appropriate clothing. The list below confirms the named kit your child should have in school.
- Named Tracksuit bottoms
- Named Jumper (not the school jumper they wear during the day)
- Named T-shirt (again not the one they wear for school)
- Named trainers (not their school shoes)
- Named shorts
- Named socks – especially those who wear tights.