Spring 1

Week beginning 20th January 2025
In English this week the children have drawn a story map for the Magic Cooking Cup and worked on spelling and understanding words with the suffix -ing and -ed. In Maths we have been ordering and comparing numbers up to 20, filling in number lines and estimating where on a number line the numbers might go.
In Science we introduced bar graphs as a way of documenting data collected, specifically how much rain falls in certain months. In DT the children designed their hand puppets, we had monsters, animals and aliens! In Dance the children continued to learn a piece they hope to perform at the end of Spring term and in Music we began to learn the songs for our School play - A Bee Musical.
Week beginning 13th January 2025
This week in English the children made a thumb pot out of Playdough, this pot was a magic pot! The children had to come up with where they got the pot, what it could do and why it was given to them. We have pot that produced puppies, mythical creatures and magic paint! We then went on to learn our model text for this half term, The Magic Cooking Cup. In Maths the children continued to work with numbers up to 20, establishing one more, one less and partitioning the numbers into tens and ones.
In Geography we took a closer look at Scotland as part of our unit on the UK, in DT the children joined two pieces of felt together, using a stapler and glue, they then made a decision on which they prefer in preparation for their hand puppets and in computing the children designed a rocket, both on an iPad and on paper, discussing which they preferred and why.
Week beginning 6th January 2025
Happy New Year Daisy class!
This week we started the new year writing down our New Years Resolutions, the children came up with some supper goals - reading more at home, learning to ride a bike, helping their parents with the cleaning and cooking - Do let me know if this happens! In Maths we are exploring numbers to 20, partitioning, writing, building and we're beginning to understand what the value of different numbers are. For example in 12 there are 1 ten and 2 ones and in 20 there are 2 tens. 
In Computing this week the children had a go at writing a list of equipment they'll need for making a rocket on a word document. They explored different fonts and sizing, they learnt where the space bar is, the delete key and new line key/enter. In Geography we learnt what 4 countries make up the UK and explored the Union Jack and the four country's flags it is made up of. In Science we discussed the different seasons of the year, the weather that come with it and how it differs in the southern hemisphere.