Autumn 1

Welcome to the Year 2 class pages!
Here you will find regular updates of our current learning, ways to help at home and knowledge organisers for each subject. Please have a look at these updates with your child and find time to talk about the new skills and knowledge. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to come and talk to us or email the school office. Thank you for your support, we look forward to working with you and your children!
Show and tell
We do show and tell on a Friday if we have time at the end of the day. This is only for stories of things the children have done or items that hold significant value to them. We have decided not to do toys as these can cause arguments during the day times or can make other children upset that they do not have these things. 
Thank you for understanding!
Knowledge Organsisers
Please take a moment to look through and talk about the knowledge organisers with your children. This will help them to remember the things that they have learned in their lessons!
Week 1
It has been an amazing first week in Year 2! The children have returned from the Summer break ready to learn, eager to make friends and keen to follow the routines. We have been practising our Phonics, talking about and writing instructions for feeding a pet dragon and learning about Numbers to 100 in Maths.
We have also been colour mixing in art, talking about safe adults and making maps of our school! 
Well done year 2, what a fantastic start!