Watch the video!
What are patterns | repeated patterns | 2D shapes - BBC Bitesize
A task relating to patterns.
Then watch this video
Sort 2D and 3D shapes - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize
And finally the task related to sorting!
2D Shapes Sorting using Carroll Diagrams
For more confident learners bump up that difficulty!
Boudicca & the Roman Invasion | The Story of Britain | BBC Teach
Here is a link to watch the story of Boudicca.
Can you write 3 facts about Boudicca? Remember to use a capital letter to start with and a full stop at then end of each of your sentences.
Read the paragraph Visit Winter Wonderland Attached below and answer the questions. (Ask an adult to help you if you find some of the words tricky, but use your sounds to help you first.)
You could always write a story about visiting a Winter Wonderland and what might happen when you were there. We would love to read them and see your illustrations.
Knowledge Organiser - Ho Ho Ho - Year 2, Unit 2.pdf
Y2-Algorithms-and-debugging-KO (1).pdf
Week 5
What a strange but exciting week we have had! Thank you to everyone who came to the rescheduled craft afternoon on Friday. We hope you enjoyed making Christmas decorations with your child.
We have continued to learn about 3D shapes this week. Perhaps as you unpack your shopping, you can challenge your child to name all the different shaped boxes? Can they tell you the names of the faces on each box?
In English we wrote our own acrostic poem where a topic word is written down the page and the children created a poem on that theme. Acrostic poems don’t have to rhyme. Here are two great poems for you to read.
Wind blows and snow drifts to the ground
I see it on my foot
Nice hot chocolate mmmmm yummy
Trees have lost their leaves
Even the rooves are covered in snow
Ready to go outside mum? Now ready, set, go!
Who is shivering?
Is it cold and snowy, I hope so!
Now some hot chocolate
The snowy snow is dripping
Every person is shivering
Rest in bed, it’s cold outside!