Art - Architecture
RE - What is Gods job?
Computing - Rocket to the moon
DT - Textiles - Puppets
Science - Seasons and Weather
Geography - The UK
Week beginning 6th January 2025
Happy New Year Poppy class!
This week we started the new year writing down our New Years Resolutions, the children came up with some supper goals - reading more at home, learning to ride a bike, helping their parents with the cleaning and cooking - Do let me know if this happens! In Maths we are exploring numbers to 20, partitioning, writing, building and we're beginning to understand what the value of different numbers are. For example in 12 there are 1 ten and 2 ones and in 20 there are 2 tens.
In Computing this week the children had a go at writing a list of equipment they'll need for making a rocket on a word document. They explored different fonts and sizing, they learnt where the space bar is, the delete key and new line key/enter. In Geography we learnt what 4 countries make up the UK and explored the Union Jack and the four country's flags it is made up of. In Science we discussed the different seasons of the year, the weather that come with it and how it differs in the southern hemisphere.