Welcome to Clover Class Pages
Here you will find regular updates of our current learning, ways to help at home and topic knowledge organisers. Please have a look at these updates with your child and find time to talk about what they have been doing in class. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to come and talk to us or email the school office. Thank you for your support, we look forward to working with you and your children!
Below is a link to the topic we will be covering this half term.
Week 5
This week we have been learning about astronauts going into space. We have watched rocket launches and looked at clips of Tim Peake in space. We have also learnt about the moon. Some of us enjoyed using white play dough and pressing different objects into it to make craters like the moon surface. Lots of children have engaged in play with different toys and objects this week, including stacking, posting and making patterns. We have also transferred our improving balancing skills in sensory circuits to balancing on a rope bridge at Forest School.
Week 4
This week we have had a lot of fun exploring different construction toys from large foam blocks to small Lego sets to build and make space rockets. We enjoyed learning about stars, looking at photographs astronomers have taken, including photographs of stars first forming. We listened to songs about stars and sang some songs about stars before making a dark den and looking at glow in the dark stars! On Wednesday we learnt about Chinese New Year celebrations and tasted fortune crackers during snack.
Week 3
This week in art we took some photographs of everyone's face, printed them out and then drew different types of lines coming out of our mouths. They look very good! Some of us have loved playing with the small world toys to create a world with different types of animals, junk modelling boxes to make mountains, cotton wool for snow and construction to build houses. We have liked the sparkly blue play-dough and created some great aliens with pipe cleaners, sequins and googly eyes.
Week 2
This week we have all enjoyed exploring the new activities in our TEACCH trays from toys where we have to unscrew items, to puzzles, to matching phonic pictures to counting objects and writing. We have continued to learn about the world. We painted a world using blue, green and brown paint and sensory printing objects. Some of us added photographs of rivers, mountains, sea, forests and other features we have been learning about. In Maths we have been counting linked to different books and some of us have been learning to add 1. We have all loved listening to space ship sounds and aliens talking during the sensory story 'Aliens love underpants'.
Week 1
Happy New Year!
This week we have settled back into school routines. We have begun thinking about the world as part of the 'Space' topic this half term. We sung some songs about the different elements of the world, sea, land and air. Some of us looked at photographs of physical features of the world like rivers, mountains, forests etc . In art we have been drawing different lines, taking paint sticks on a walk across the paper to music and using rulers to create straight lines. We have also enjoyed exploring the different models we can make with the Knex constructions sets.