50 Things to do Before You're 5!
Follow this link and download the APP.
Here are our suggestions about which activities you could try to do with your child this half term. The activities are all free, or very low cost, and can be accessed locally.
#28 Whee, Bang, Whizz
#46 Fantastic Paper Folding
#34 Ready, Steady, Blow
#16 The Wheels on the Bus
#30 Brrr
How many could you tick off the list?
Tuesday 3rd December
Follow these links for Fred Talk blending activities :
Take a peek at this interactive Advent Calendar for a fun task every day during the Christmas countdown.
Can you make collections of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 objects? Maybe you could take photographs or draw to create your own counting book. Here is an example Merry Christmas Mouse (Counting Book) - By Laura Numeroff | Kids Books Read Aloud You do not have to base it on Christmas though. It could be based on The Gingerbread Man, your favourite story or even your favourite superheroes!
If you have any toy vehicles at home can you look at them closely and investigate how they move. Do they have wheels or tracks? Are the wheels large or small? Can the wheels turn and make the toy change direction? Does the vehicle move on it's own or do you have to do something to make it move? Are your toys the same or different?
Draw your favourite moving toy and try to label the different parts using your phonic knowledge to help you.
And finally...
If you have any lines in the upcoming Nativity, please practise them as often as you can!
Monday 2nd December
Well, what a strange start to December! We are very disappointed not to be seeing you all this morning as we were looking forward to making our decorations and preparing our classrooms for the festivities ahead of us over the few few weeks. We will keep our fingers crossed that we will be able to still do that very soon. In the meantime, here are some suggestions as to what you could do to keep you busy while the school boiler is being fixed and you are at home.
- Retell the story of the Gingerbread Man
- If you have paper, pens and sticks / straws, maybe you could try and make little puppets of characters from the story to perform it
- Can you make up your own story based on The Gingerbread Man? Maybe you could have a Cookie Man that meets a rabbit! What could the Cookie Man say? (for example, 'Hop, hop as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the Cookie Man!)
- Go to Shape Patterns or Ladybird Spots - Counting, Matching and Ordering game to play some online maths games
- Go to 1-minute maths app | White Rose Education for details on a free APP that be downloaded, It has activities that complement our maths learning in school, for example, subitising and counting.
Week ending Friday 29th November
Ernest Shackleton and his dangerous journey to Antarctica was the inspiration for the children's play this week. Lists were written, bags were packed, ice scenes were investigated and different types of transport were built as the children prepared for their imaginary journeys to the South Pole. "We're explorers!" was heard many times in the provision as the children trudged, sailed and adventured!
The Gingerbread Man story continued to inspire the children and their storytelling abilities are really developing. A gingerbread house role play area and sensory play dough all enhanced the children's learning experiences.
Week ending Friday 23rd November
The children had a mystery on their hands as the beginning of the week when strange footprints appeared in the corridor and Judy, our wonderful cook, had something escape from one of her ovens! The children quickly became detectives and wrote letters and suggestions, recorded clues and used their senses to try and solve the problem.
Once we had identified that the Gingerbread Man was missing the children set about using their number knowledge to make and decorate gingerbread people.
Week ending Friday 15th November
Colour, pattern, light and dark have been themes throughout our provision this week as the children discovered how people across the world celebrate Diwali. All of the children participated in a Diwali workshop led by a dancer from a school theatre company as well as making diva lamps and rangoli and mendhi patterns. The children were very proud of their creations!
In maths, circles and triangles were the focus with the children using the vocabulary of straight, curved, sides and corners, whilst our topic work saw the children learning about different types of transport around the world. They even discovered that Miss Huntington has been on a tuk-tuk.
Week ending Friday 8th November
After a well deserved rest last week, the children have returned to school refreshed and keen to learn! They have settled back into our routines and have coped well with tweaks to our timetable. We have welcomed Mrs Suswain into our Reception team and she has enjoyed getting to know the children.
Our topic this half term is Transport which we feel sure the children will enjoy. They have already been very keen to share their many ideas for ways to transport things, including 'web swings' like Spiderman!
Bonfire Night provided us with a sparkling opportunity to use our sounds when writing and in maths we have been learning about one more and one less.