Spring 2

Week beginning 3rd March 2025 - Week 2
This week in English we explored the use of adjectives in our writing, adding them to our model text to make it more interesting. By the end of the week we had come up with a new class innovated version of our Tiger description, which is now a bear! In Maths we explored number lines up to 50, estimating where different number might go along number lines with different starting points and continued to explore partitioning larger numbers into tens and ones.
In DT we practiced cutting a 'perfect' circle in preparation of building their own pull toy in a couple of weeks. In Art the children looked into the different styles Van Gogh used over the years, then explored using his short brush stoke style in recreating sections of 'Starry Night', helping to create the illusion of movement. We also celebrated World Book Day this week, the children had a lovely day, designing and making their own hats or masks from well known stories. Thank you to those parents/carers/grandparents who were able to come in and read with their child. Pictures will go up soon!
Week beginning 24th February 2025 - Week 1
Welcome back Poppy class! 
This week in English the children created little monsters and described them. We listened to 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' and learnt our new model text describing the tiger and what it got up to in the story. 
In Maths the children have been manipulating number up to 50, learning about tens and ones within a 2-digit number.
In computing the children explored programming a Bee-Bot and in Art they learnt about George Seurat's style of art work and they tried out pointillism for themselves. In DT the children explored making carts with square wheels and learnt about the importance of an axle holder.