Please find below the Knowledge Organiser for Autumn Term 1, which is 'All about me'
Welcome to Little Seedlings class page! Visit each week to see what fun we have been having and what we have been learning.
Week ending 13th September
The children have enjoyed their first week in Nursery and have settled in well to the routine. They have been getting to know each other and starting to form some new friendships. They have been busy exploring the learning environment inside and outside.
Week ending 20th September
This week we have been learning that our body has many different parts and our faces are all different. We have been looking in a mirror at our face and then we used different materials to create our face.
Week ending 27th September
This week in Nursery the children have been learning about 'Where I Live'. We have been talking about the different things the children see on their way to school and the differences for some who travel further than the local area. Inside, the children have been looking at photos of the local area such as the Cathedral, river and shops that they see when out and about. In the outside area the children created a map of the playground and we talked about areas that were far away such as the sandpit and close like the climbing frame.
In Forest School this week the children enjoyed digging in the squelchy mud and looking at the different shaped leaves. We talked about the comparisons between the big, small, long and wide leaves!
Week ending 4th October
This week in Nursery the children have been learning all about 'People Who Help Us'. We have been playing with our new wooden hospital, police and fire station. It has been lovely to hear the children using their imaginations to play with each other.
In the outside area the children have enjoyed role playing in our 'Fire Station' and have been running around putting out 'fires' all over the playground. We have been singing the Fireman Sam song and making siren sounds with instruments and our voices.
Week ending 11th October
This week in Nursery we have continued learning about people who help us in the community. The children have been making collage pictures of emergency vehicles, role playing with our small world toys and reading books about people who help us such as dentists, doctors, teachers and firefighters.
Week ending 18th October
This week we have been learning about the natural world and how our community changes throughout the year. We shared the story 'The Tree' by Britta Teckentrup and talked about how the owl in the story sees all the different seasons from his home in the tree. We have been singing autumn songs about leaves falling as well as making our own autumnal tree with sponge leaf printing.
Outside we have collected leaves and looked at the different colours they are beginning to change into as the weather gets cooler. We have talked about animals preparing to hibernate and even made a hedgehog house out of the big connecting squares.
We have also had a special visitor this week, a Paramedic! He came to tell us all about being a Paramedic and showed us his special uniform and equipment he needs to help people.
Week ending 25th October
This week in Nursery we have been recapping our topic for the half term 'all about me'. We have been singing songs about our bodies and asking the children to identify different body parts for example, head, arm and nose etc. The children have continued to explore the changing seasons and develop their imaginative play through our 'Fire Station'. We have been having lots of messy fun, finger painting hedgehog and squirrel pictures and even scooping out pumpkins. This was a great opportunity for them to extend their vocabulary through describing how it felt "It feels sticky!".
We hope you all have a great half term and look forward to seeing you all soon!