Week ending 7th February
This week our book has been 'Dinosaurs in My School'. The children have had lots of fun imagining and pretending there might be dinosaurs in Spring Meadow! In the construction area the children have been building schools using the Duplo and putting our toy dinosaurs inside. We have been looking at more non-fiction dinosaur books learning about dinosaurs and what the world was like when they roamed the earth. The children have been making a collage dinosaur scene which will carry on next week and will display in the classroom!
On Friday it was numbers day! The children came into Nursery in non-uniform and clothes with numbers on. Well done everyone who joined in :)
Week ending 31st January
The children have enjoyed our key book 'Dinosaurs Love Underpants' so much that we have continued it this week. The children have been creating amazing dinosaurs of their own, using paints, collage materials, playdough stamps, drawing pencils and many more! In our messy tray the children have been keen Palaeontologists digging for dinosaur bones in the sand and identifying different toy dinosaurs around the classrooms using our non-fiction books in the reading corner.
Outside the children have been stomping around and exploring different ways to move like dinosaurs using the stilt cups and hoops. We have also made huge dinosaur shaped obstacle courses using our connecting balance beams. It has been a ROARtastic week!
Week ending 24th January
This week we have enjoyed a new book ‘Dinosaurs Love Underpants’. The children were very surprised to come into Nursery on Monday morning to find the classroom decorated with pants! The children have continued their learning through play with the dinosaurs but also now with the bonus of pants. They have been decorating pants with different patterns such as, circles, zigzags and waves. We have been counting and hanging up pants in the home corner clotheshorse. The children have also really enjoyed our lovely new dinosaur puzzles that were donated by a kind parent! It has been a busy, funny week in Nursery!
Photos to come soon!
Week ending 17th January
This week the children have continued to enjoy our ‘Dinosaur Roar’ book and have had more fun learning about different dinosaurs. They have been creating exciting dinosaur dens in the small world area using sand, logs and bark. We have been giving dinosaurs patterns using paint and Duplo bricks, singing dinosaur songs, doing dinosaur yoga and lots more. The children have enjoyed talking about the differences between dinosaurs like ‘small’ and ‘large’, ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’.
Photos to come soon!
Week ending 10th January
Welcome back to all our Nursery children, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas break! We have all come back to Nursery ready and excited to start our new topic 'Dinosaurs'. This week we enjoyed the book 'Dinosaur Roar' where we talked about the differences between the dinosaurs including 'big, small, shy and loud'. The children have been having lots of fun making dinosaur foot prints with the paint and have been rolling out dinosaur scenes in the playdough. It was a very chilly week and the children had fun exploring our icy playground!