Spring 2

Welcome to the year 2 class page! 
Here you will find regular updates of our current learning, ways to help at home and knowledge organisers for each subject. Please have a look at these updates with your child and find time to talk about the new skills and knowledge. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to come and talk to us or email the school office.
Week 1 
Welcome back everyone. This week we have started lots of new units of work... exciting!
We have begun to look at how plants grow and have started a new descriptive writing piece about Smok the Dragon and the Cobbler of Krakov. We are trying to spice up our writing with lots of adjectives and similes. 
In art we are studying Turner and Counstable who were famous landscape artists. We learned that Turner used to take himself out into storms on his ship to inspire his art. 
Week 2 
This week we have been focusing on measurement in maths.
We looked at Centimetres, Metres and compared distances. We discovered that the school playground is somewhere between 45m and 55m... (some of the children's measurements were a bit wonky!)
We created some strong cylinders from card to test their strength. Foxgloves hold the record with 39 books piled on top! 
World book day was lovely! Thank you to all of the parents who came and read in the afternoon! :)